
Issue Title
Vol 37, No 3 (2009) Seamounts in the southeastern Pacific Ocean and biodiversity on Juan Fernandez seamounts, Chile Abstract  PDF
Eleuterio Yáñez, Claudio Silva, Rodrigo Vega, Fernando Espíndola, Lorena Álvarez, Nelson Silva, Sergio Palma, Sergio Salinas, Eduardo Menschel, Verena Häussermann, Daniela Soto, Nadín Ramírez
Vol 49, No 1 (2021) Space-time variations of megazoobenthos subject to natural and anthropogenic impacts in two Cuban bays: evidence of recovery? Abstract  PDF
Alexander Lopeztegui-Castillo, Norberto Capetillo-Piñar, Abel Betanzos-Vega, Beatriz Martínez-Daranas, Diana Martínez-Coello, Leonardo Andrés Abitia-Cárdenas
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